All deposits are federally insured up to $250,000. MBVMCU will only allow $150,000 per member.
Consumer Loans
- new/used auto
- motorcylcle/boat/RV
- trailer/jet ski/ATVs
We do not do risk-based lending. All members qualify for the same LOW rates!
Certificates of Deposit
- Term 6 months @ 3.25%
- Term 12 months @ 3.00%
- Minimum $5000 deposit
Home Banking
- Click on Member.Net on the upper right corner of this home page.
- Click on register here in blue letters at the bottom right corner.
- Enter 4 digits of your account number (if your account number is only 2 or 3 digits, add zeros to the beginning of your account number to make sure it is 4 digits long)
- Enter the last 5 of the primary account holde’rs social security number.
- Click on continue.
- Now you can begin to set up your login, password and security questions.
- Please remember that the system is case sensitive.
- Want to apply for a Credit Card? Click Here
- Need to manage you Credit Card? Click Here
- Click Here to check out our Rewards Program.
Other Services
Notary: We offer notary services to our members. Please call for an appointment.